Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stupid Bitch

Ok so... this post is about my sister... you know the one i complained about before. Y you ask, because she said something to me that made me cry for 2 hours strait! It all started when she was supposed to take me to the store to get baby food for Clara and WIC. Well she screwed around all freaking day, and when it came time for me to go to the store... yeah didn't happen. So i bitched because she promised me. Well she started in on how i never watch Clara... which i do just not when i am doing school work. So i told her, that Donald her husband, never watches her daughter, all he does is sit on his lazy butt all day. Well then she said something about having a job, and then called me a bad mother! A fucking bad mother! Excuse me, i am not the one at the bars at all hours of the night getting wasted while my sick grandma watches my daughter AND I PUT MY DAUGHTER FIRST before my needs. I have gone without pads for a week(using just tampons) so Clara would have water for her formula. Well by this time, i'm like yelling at her because she called me a horrible mother, and she said that I shouldn't even have Clara, that Clara doesn't need a crazy mother and that i should be locked up in a phyco hospital. She also said that Clara should get taken away. Which totally just pissed me off, but it made me extremely upset so.. yeah i cried for 2 hours. But comeone... you cant blame me, if someone said that to you, you would get upset too. So after the 2 hours of unstoppable crying, I called my cousin, told her what happened, which totally made her and my aunt and uncle very angry. My aunt told me over her and my uncles dead body that Clara would get taken away from me, my cousin wanted to beat her butt, and told me shes just mad because she knows i'm right... so yeah thats the conclusion of my day. I did get to go to the store though. my cousin and her fiance took me, so i could get babyfood, and water, a sippy cup for clara, ohh and i did finally get pads for myself. So.. yeah I am a good mother fuck her. I put my daughter first... and she knows that! She is just fucking jealous that I am doing something with my life(college) and that I didn't marry a dead beat man that calls himself a dad. But ok i'm done venting now, i feel better


kasandora said...

Poor Kals...I would have taken you to the store....

Anonymous said...

Ugh she calls YOU a bad mother when YOU take care of her kid and try to set boundries and she just lets her kid have whatever she wants? GRRRR. Its so damn easy to be judgemental, especially when you aren't happy with your own life, which she is obviously NOT.