Monday, March 16, 2009

So upset.

Ok, this is more of a vent then anything, i am not sure what i am supposed to do. The DNA thing went through ok, so now i am just waiting for that signed piece of paper. Well since the stupid lady at social services kept pushing me, i decided to call social security and find out what the hell all the stupid comotion was about. So i told the lady i spoke to what happened, gave her Jons SS number and she looked it all up, and i cant get anything for clara. I thought i could handle raising clara on my own without it but i cant. I barely get enough money from school and what i do get usually has to pay for bills because my dumb ass sister doesnt pay anything, plus the money i do get i only get like 2x a year.. thats not gonna last me that long... I dont know what im supposed to do. I thought about getting a job but come to the conclusion that i can't handle a job with my anxiety and bipolar. I dont know what to do and im really freaking out here. I have no financial support from anyone, I cant support my own daughter, and that kills my inside....

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