Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun day!

Ok, so the other day was a pretty fun day. I went into the basement and found my nieces old walker. You may say walkers are bad, or that since it was used i shouldn't use it. Well i say you are wrong. Clara fits it perfectly and LOVES LOVES LOVES it. After i spent 20 minutes cleaning it off, i put shoes on her and took her outside to walk in it. She was so excited, she loved being able to move around. and i wasnt worried about it tipping over because it has some sort of guard on it, so it cant flip over. Anyway so we played outside for about 2 hours. In that time, Claras godmother Emi(emili) decided to show up to say hi, and gave Clara a candy apple sucker(the green sucker with the carmel on top). She LOVED that, more then the walker. It was so funny, she sucked on it, and gummed it. She almost ate it all too, but i took it away to wipe off her hand and i dropped it... woops. Other then that, I have found that my wish has come true and that I will not have to work this year while I am in school. Which is totally awesome! I am so excited. In 4 years I am going to have a degree, a real college degree, and i am going to do stuff that i like to do. I will get a good job and I will be able to support Clara by myself, without a husband. Go me!!!!!

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