Saturday, September 6, 2008


ok so i went to the doctor the other day(almost didn't get in because i am not aloud to be over 5 minutes late, and i was 15 minutes late) but luckily(THANK GOD) the person whose app was after me never showed. SO..... anyway i talked to my head doc about all the stuff that's been going on lately. The anger issues, the concentration issues, the weird head thing and the racing thoughts. She kinda gave me a funny look when i told her about the weird head thing.... But she looked through some things on her computer and prescribed me Symyax. It is a mix between a mood stabilizer(anti psychotic) and an anti depressant. I looked up all the stuff online and i guess it is supposed to help with all that stuff. It is supposed to help improve my mood, help me sleep,he;p me concentrate, and decrease nervousness. The side effects aren't bad either(like most pills) the "bothersome" side effects are, increased appetite, weight gain, drowsiness, and dry mouth, all of which i want(except the dry mouth hehe) So... yeah its a pretty low dose, i even had to wait a whole day for my drug store to fill them because they didn't carry that specific dose. I guess we will see how it works. I took my first pill tonight. I am still on my Effexor for depression though. I am sooo hoping this pill works, so um if yall could do me a favor and tell me if you notice any positive changes in me. I tend to have a hard time recognising this stuff myself so yeah... ok well update more about my life later after i have had sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your new meds Kalsy!